Data collected from the recycle bin of our blog
How to record a nice sounding podcast over Skype, using Linux
Can’t make it to the studio? Do it remotely!
This HowTo is a gist, fork it! Or read it over there, the formatting is rather nice.
Continue reading “How to record a nice sounding podcast over Skype, using Linux”
Do not regret the decision / I collected very interesting content
Dear colleagues and friends, please expect amusing/entertaining video of me wanking in your inbox, soon.
I have two accounts at tumblr and each of the e-mail addresses received its own entertaining/amusing ransom demand.
Seriously though, no entry for “wanking” in your thesaurus?
UPDATE: Turned this into audio
A diff as a stereophonic experience! Headphones recommended. Made for Kubshow #33.
Sub-Update: 7 months later I forgot I had already made this and re-made it. Google’s Text-To-Speech (nicer and cleaner) and Google-translated into German. Made for Kubshow #40 and felt pretty stupid after I found the old one.
UPDATE: Your collection is very interesting / I’ve put together a very interesting collection about you (2×)
So I got three more of these! Continue reading “Do not regret the decision / I collected very interesting content”
Import your tumblr into WordPress from the command line!
Just like I did. I wrote this tool to move my two tumblrs (500+150 posts) to WordPress, since all plugins I found were unsatisfactory.
It worked for my needs, it might work for you. Read the readme & fork, over at
q3dm1, nicmod
Quake 3 Arena, all textures replaced with one of the greatest actors in the world, as proposed by Nerdcore, in response to @AmazingThew.
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