Facebook’s smiley sprite is a comic!

Facebook’s smiley sprite is a comic!

I added my interpretation – the left column is the original file, 35 pixels wide and 2164 pixels high. It’s a “css sprite”, a caching/bandwidth-saving technique. The file can be found here, as of now: The URL looks very temporary, it might be gone. You can find it by web-inspecting/debugging a smiley in your Facebook messages/chat and checking the smiley’s element’s background-image CSS property.

Thonic Youss

now that there’s the band Wampire, this would be the name of my band.


Or: Veekend


(crochet penguin by Lisa, with apologies to Mike Kelley. Polo shot by Sam, with apologies to Zach Braff.)


Not that we, to give who.
This, what, man – male, ye old mother, to hear, hand, fire, to pull black, to flow, bark ashes, to spit, worm.”

— The “23 ultraconserved words” that have remained largely unchanged for 15,000 years”, “listed by the number of language families in which they have cognates”, from WaPo, punctuation mine.


would be the name of my band. Probably chillwave. Look for & when buying tickets online, though.

There just hast to be a band already called that, but I had a hard time google-confirming that. And MySpace is broken, I think. Even MySpace Classic.