Wendy Carlos answers questions about Vocoders

a repeating light brown pattern, in the center a logo that says Wendy Carlos, the Wendy in scripty handwriting, the carlos in Gothic uppercase. It looks very 90s!

From Wendy Carlos’ delightfully 90s website

Then I got a chance to try one at the NY World’s Fair of 1964-65, at the Bell Labs pavilion. I was hooked! When I figured how to make it not just speak, but sing, it earned an assured place in a forthcoming new album. You know, it seemed an exciting idea to share! The first reactions were unanimous: everyone hated it!

Reminds me of my first time hearing Daft Punk’s Discovery, it took a while!

euxo pipefail

this will hereby hopefully join, in my brain, netstat’s tulpn and ps’s aux:

set -euxo pipefail

-e — exit immediately when one command fails
-u — fail on undefined vars
-o pipefail — fail if a pipe fails
-x — be very very verbose

AirPlay on raspi


An open-source implementation of an AirPlay mirroring server for the Raspberry Pi. The goal is to make it run smoothly even on a Raspberry Pi Zero.
Screen mirroring and audio works for iOS 9 or newer. […]
Both audio and video work fine on a Raspberry Pi 3B+ and a Raspberry Pi Zero, though playback is a bit smoother on the 3B+.

TODO: compare to shairplay